Erciyes University External Relations Office was visited

Erciyes University External Relations Office was visited

Erciyes University External Relations Office was visited

Our University's International Relations Office visited Erciyes University External Relations Office. The contribution of the Anatolian Universities Union to the strengthening of bilateral cooperation was mutually expressed. Experience was shared about the important issues and the changes made in the new term Erasmus+ Program. Within the framework of digitalization, online tools developed by the European Commission and the National Agency for Higher Education Institutions were discussed. Expert H. Mehmet TANÇ and Expert Betül METE shared information about the e-Devlet platform, which has been used as one of the online tools in the announcement of Erasmus+ KA131 mobilities. Finally, our university is planned to participate as a partner in the Anatolian Universities Union Erasmus+ Internship Consortium, which was applied under the coordination of Erciyes University, in the first application period.

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